The change of seasons can be tough on your home. When the soil expands and shrinks with each season, it causes uneven support for the foundation, which can lead to structural issues. Your house is not supposed to “settle,” and this “settling” may actually be an indication that your house is moving and shifting.
Take a look around. Do you notice any cracks in the corners of windows and doors, basement walls that are bowing or leaning, gaps forming along doorframes or baseboards, or stair stepping cracks along brickwork? Before you begin replacing those sticking windows or uneven doors, it’s a good idea to be sure it’s not a structural problem with your home. There’s no need to call an expensive structural engineer, when we can provide you with a FREE assessment. Just another way we are making your world a better place!
For a free inspection of your home, inside and out, call Perma-Seal at 800-421-7325 or click here to submit an inquiry.