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An Ounce of Prevention is Worth How Much?

Hear it From Lou Manfredini

It’s an old saying, and it applies to every aspect of life — doing little things now will pay you back in spades long term.  Eating the right food, exercising, calling your mother and cleaning and testing your storm sump pump. All of this is good advice,  and Perma-Seal can help you make sure everything below grade in your home is working properly with an annual Preventive Maintenance appointment.  

My question to you is when was the last time you checked on the following: 


      1. Inspect the window wells and well drains

      1. Clean out the storm water sump pit

      1. Check the battery and operation of your backup pump system

      1. Test your ejector pit

      1. Examine the foundation walls for seepage or structural issues

    These are just a few of the 15-point inspection areas a trained technician will look at during a Preventive Maintenance appointment. The visit will leave you with peace of mind and knowledge if a small repair is needed. Many times, a small repair avoids a costly large repair down the line.  

    So, for peace of mind when the storms come rolling in contact Perma-Seal to schedule your Preventative Maintenance checkup at (800) 421-SEAL. Oh, and eat your carrots and call your mother………