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Taking Care of Lake Forest Cove Joint Seepage

Lake Forest in Lake County, Illinois, is a city found along the shore of Lake Michigan. It has a population of about 20,000 and is noted for its history of polo. Part of the Chicago metropolitan area, Lake Forest shares the same climate as the Windy City, with hot summers, cold winters, and thunderstorms common in spring and summer.

With all the precipitation that batters the city, melting snow, thunderstorms, and the occasional scattered rain showers, many homeowners deal with cove joint seepage.

The cove joint is where the basement floor and foundation wall meet, and when there is a prolonged exposure to rain, along with a rise in ground water under the floor, water will seep through this joint.

Sealing the joint on your own is not a good idea, since the pressure will still continue, and thus will only be diverted, creating seepage elsewhere. When you encounter cove joint seepage, it’s best to call in a professional.

Perma-Seal, the area’s finest basement waterproofing contractor, can help fix your cove joint problem and ensure that it is handled correctly. Perma-Seal professionals will stop the leaks as they happen, and prevent any others from occurring.